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Masashi Togame


Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts and Musashino Academia Musicae, Representative Director of Kamenoko Music Studio Inc., and Former principal player of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.

Togame was born in Hiroshima Prefecture, and started playing the violin at age 8, and the clarinet at age 15. He graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and completed his graduate studies at the same university. In 1978, while still attending graduate school, he joined the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. In May 2012, he retired from the orchestra after 35 years of service as its principal clarinetist. Part-time lecturer of the Department of Music at Seitoku University, Tokyo University of the Arts, and Musashino Academia Musicae. Vice President of the Japan Metal Clarinet Association. Representative Director of Kamenoko Music Studio Ltd., sponsored by TCCP. Member of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.